As a passionate birth professional, you recognize the importance of continuing education in supporting your clients effectively.

You've also noticed your clients' needs are shifting. They looking for integrative, deep level support + guidance.

And if we're're ready to go deeper too.
You're in the right place, friend.

The ADT is a 9-month program offering a unique and advanced skillset you won't find in any other doula training.

With a focus on:
✓Personal Growth
✓Skillset Advancement
✓Business Development

and using a blend of modalities:
Nervous System Skills
✓Emotional Regulation
Human Design Foundations
Expansion Principle Energy Healing

not only will you significantly enhance your client support toolbox, you will personally experience expansive growth within yourself.

So….what can you do after taking this training? ⬇️

Let's break it down because…..

Enrollment closes soon. 


As a Certified Advanced Pregnancy & Postpartum Practitioner you will:

🦋 Guide clients effectively through traumatic birth and postpartum experiences
🦋 Share tools to alleviate anxiety and depression in clients
🦋 Learn how to confidently address the most common concerns in pregnant & postpartum
🦋 Teach clients skills that will build their resilience in navigating life & motherhood
🦋 Add mentorship & consulting as an additional offer in your practice to widen the clients you


How will your practice change?

✅ Foster more intimate client relationships with longer packages
✅ Achieve more effective results from clients (shorter labors, less pain in birth)
✅ Establish clear, marketable offers
✅ Implement a hybrid business model for client convenience and revenue growth
✅ Lead the industry in your local area with cutting-edge approaches to client care


What will you experience as a result of this training?

❤️ Develop deep trust within yourself
❤️ Acquire skills to attract financial wealth
❤️ Learn energy healing techniques for self-care
❤️ Discover your unique Human Design and how to operate from it
❤️ Experience tension release and create space to ‘breathe’
❤️ Restore your nervous system to optimal function

If you're ready to BE transformed,

upgrade your business, and SEE incredible results from your clients….take the leap - enroll today, only a 9 seats remain (20 max)

Save your seat - Enroll today

What you've told me recently... ⬇️

You want to feel even more confident supporting clients prenatally and postpartum with a comprehensive skillset that is simple to implement and provides transformative client outcomes.

You're ready to go deeper; beyond the basics to skillfully navigate the nuanced layers of pregnancy & postpartum. You're ready to embody and integrate new techniques with modern tools for women & their families.

You desire a doula training that is longer than a 2-day weekend event. One where you learn how to deepen client support, receive potent personal development, & integrates business design within the program.

There's also a tug on your soul, one that's ready to receive nourishment for yourself beyond just professional development.

Cultivating your professional development alongside nourishing personal growth is the crux of the ADT.

Other doula trainings focus on the basics of the doula role. Our Advanced Doula Training goes beyond.  Because it's longer than a weekend training,
you develop the depth and integration to:

  • Truly integrate and master the advanced doula skills for significant client impact
  • Time to embody the modalities to see the evidence externalize in your own life
  • Practice with the skillset during the training period so you feel very confident supporting your clients
  • Develop a personalized package to provide long-term support in your business
  • Done-with-you certification process so you complete the program in its' entirety.

    You expand personally while in the program, creating a transformative experience that reaches far beyond the realm of typical doula training.


We are Revolutionizing Postpartum.

By empowering doulas to enhance their own well-being and that of the mothers we work with, our students are redefining the postpartum experience for women in America.

How are we doing it?

Emotional regulation + healing old patterns.

The capacity to regain balance during challenging life moments is crucial for fostering resilience.

Especially in motherhood.

Imagine: Being able to teach these skills to pregnant and postpartum women.

What we would see is…

✓Mothers feeling confident in themselves.
✓Less doubt and more surety.
✓Easier pregnancies.
✓Shorter labors.
✓Ability to ask for help without feeling guilty.

Most importantly, women saying 'Yes' to themselves in all avenues of their life.

🦋Yes to education that teaches them labor tools.
🦋Yes to hiring a doula.
🦋Yes to going for a massage.
🦋Yes to feeling oh so worthy to be held.

Teaching mothers tools to rebalance while in transformative life changes is an invaluable gift you can give your clients.

Imagine: Using these skills for yourself first.

Developing your own well of peace, abundance, and health is part of the fun. You get to experience, in its' full entirety, the breadth of transformation within yourself too.

The embodiment of the skills is elemental to the full understanding of its' impact. When you begin using the tools for yourself, you'll see it unfold in your personal life.

What you can experience....

✓A background frequency of ease as life unfolds w/ joy.
✓Money flowing abundantly to support you.
✓Clients easily paying you for services.
✓Health in your own physical body.
✓Relationships more rich and full.
✓Loving yourself deeply.
✓Knowing with boldness your worth is simply by being.
✓Feeling deep levels of joy and love.

Finding yourself again in this way goes beyond transformative. It's changes your life immensely.

Imagine: Your Business is Impactful & Successful

You get to have it all, exactly as you dream it.

The integration of your business alongside your personal growth and client skillset advancement is the cherry on top.

By envisioning what your ideal business looks like through the lens of Human Design, we get to play with making it an actual reality.

What it may look like....

✓Taking on only ideal clients when you want.

✓Resting as much as you'd like while still making money.

Increasing your rates easily

✓Building offers that match your energy.

✓Making large sums of money easily.

✓Trusting in the abundance all around & tapping into it.

Your business lining up with your dreams and feeling expansive with abundance flowing daily - another radically transformative experience.


Imagine profoundly transforming your clients while experiencing personal growth and abundance.

Your clients experiencing easier pregnancies, shorter labors, increased confidence as a new parent, quicker postpartum recoveries, and balanced moods in postpartum due to the skills you teach them.

You will have more access to your creative expression and be a grounded presence, allowing for greater support to your clients as they navigate pregnancy, postpartum, & parenthood.

Your business offers a services that deepens the level of care you provide, allowing for you to easily increase your rates alongside the boosted value you're now bringing.

Sounds expansive & exciting, right?

It can be your reality.

I know because I’ve experienced it myself.
I share it with my own clients and I see the transformation it brings them.

Now I'm teaching the exact process to birth workers everywhere.

And I can’t wait to show you how...


The Advanced Doula Training

A 9-month transformative training where you'll learn to elevate client interactions through
Human Design
Nervous System Regulation &
Energy Healing Work

Unlock a powerful combination for advancing your professional skills,
personal growth, and business revenue.

Enroll now - Only a few spots left

You won't see this in any other doula program.

The unique program tools and design:
Human Design + Expansion Principle Energy + Nervous System Tools + Doula Skills

THE RESILIENT BLUEPRINT: An immersive 9-month timeline designed to weave through three transformative phases—Nourish, Nurture, and Navigate—each complemented by integration periods of direct client application. This carefully crafted framework ensures a deep, embodied understanding in the material for a smooth integration into your client care.

NOURISH: We begin with your personal development via the three modalities, Human Design foundations, EP Energy Healing, and Nervous System work to learn, embody, and then integrate into your client care.

NURTURE: Dive deeper into skill enhancement & tool building through each pregnancy trimester, early postpartum, and well into the first years of motherhood.

NAVIGATE: Master the art of creating compelling offers, packages, and long-term support. Discover effective strategies for Making More Money quickly, and successfully complete the Certification process to become:

A Certified Advanced Pregnancy & Postpartum Practitioner


The Structure and Outline:



April - May 31, 2024: Live Trainings
June 1-Aug 9, 2024: Integration + Client Application

Personal Growth w/ Resonance Realignment:

  • Discover your own Human Design
  • Human Design basics for supporting your clients
  • Energy work w/ The Labryinth & Illumination Process
  • Energetic Healing Support tools for clients with Expansion Principle modality
  • Nervous System Regulation tools & body work
  • Communications skills w/active listening & reflection

Know exactly what you'll teach your clients by experiencing it yourself first. Includes practical homework tasks and a curated reading list.



Aug 12 - Nov 15, 2024: Live Trainings
Nov 16-Jan 3, 2025: Integration + Client Application

Skillset Advancement w/ Radiance, Reframe, & Relearn:

  • Top pregnancy concerns (morning sickness, weight gain, fatigue, emotions)
  • Pregnancy Support by trimester
  • Postpartum Support - the first year & beyond
  • Teaching Tools for clients to get quality rest
  • Supplements, food, & body wellness
  • Exercise/movement for optimal labor positioning
  • Reducing overwhelm in the perinatal years

Add to the layers of your new toolkit with specific information, practical skills, and a structured processed to share w/ your clients.



Jan 4 - Jan 31, 2025

Business Skills w/ 'Revenue Reimagining & Certification Completion:

  • Intuitive and practical business design:
  • Long term packages for recurring revenue
  • Money Healing Discussions
  • Increasing your rates easily
  • Yearly business mapping for more time freedom

Design, build, and map out your ideal way to share your new skillset so that you make more money, work less, while still providing massive impact.

How the Program is delivered:


Live Trainings


Pre-recorded modules


Peer Group Voxer

2x Monthly Live Trainings

EXCEPTION: No live calls during integration periods

The main curriculum and skill building will be given in LIVE trainings. We'll also use pre-recorded lessons and bonus materials as needed.

Training Time:
12-1pm EST

Training Dates:
April 16, 23, 30
May 14 & 28
Aug 14 & 21
Sept 4 & 18
Oct 2, 16, & 30
Nov 13
Jan 8, 22, 29

Private Voxer Community

CONNECT: Peer discussions & direct line to Melissa

Our group Voxer is where we'll connect deeply. Voxer is a free communication app used for voice notes, text, image sharing, and staying connected.

You’ll have 9-months of peer support as well as direct, time convenient, access to me for questions. I will check in 1-2x week, but more frequently during integration periods.


The Unique Trifecta of The Resilient Blueprint.

The combination of these three modalities, in use together, is what sets this training program apart from any other training you'll see in the doula industry.

Human Design

Human Design is a system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to provide insights into an individual's natural strengths, challenges, and overall energetic blueprint.

Human Design acts as a powerful tool, offering a personalized guide for self-discovery and aligning with one's authentic life rhythms.

For our doula clients, understanding their Human Design can enhance the support provided during pregnancy and postpartum by tailoring care to their specific needs, promoting a more harmonious and tailored experience.

You'll learn how to apply HD techniques on yourself, your clients, and an understanding of their kids' design as well!

Expansion Principle Energy Healing

The Expansion Principle (EP) is a groundbreaking energy technology that allows for healing 'at the seed' - what I like to call the functional medicine of energy work.

Developed by Dr. Alexis Edwards and the multidimensional being Simon, EP utilizes energy movement & transmissions to facilitate healing at one's own pace.

EP releases trauma, restores the energy body, activates DNA, alleviates physical pain, and brings balance to the emotional system in a gentle, nourishing way.

EP not only enhances personal growth for the practitioner but becomes a potent tool for doula clients.

By incorporating elements of EP into your business, practitioners can provide tailored support and foster a more profound, personalized healing journey for mothers.

Nervous System Regulation

Our approach focuses on regulating the autonomic nervous system, which plays a crucial role in managing stress responses. By implementing regulating techniques, we activate calmness & balance the body's nervous system.

These tools, including yoga nidra and mindset perspectives, aid personal growth and empower practitioners to navigate life's challenges.

For doula clients, integrating these tools creates space for being in relaxed states & managing stress better during pregnancy and postpartum.

BONUS: Expert Teachers Joining us

Lynn Earman

Certified Nurse Midwife &
Women's Health Practitioner

A practicing midwife in Roswell, GA, her career as a began as a nurse in the NICU, where she then moved to L&D and postpartum.

She decided to go back to midwifery school because she wanted to make a bigger impact on the maternal outcomes she was witnessing.

She'll be teaching in the 'Nuture' Phase, sharing her pregnancy, labor, birthing, and postpartum knowledge in true 1/4 (her Human Design profile) fashion.

Holistic midwifery concepts

Common pregnancy concerns & how to help clients

Common scenarios to be prepared for

Guiding clients by trimester

and more!

Pam December

Human Design Expert +
Expansion Principle Practitioner

Pam December is an empath, highly sensitive person, devoted mom, and weekend gamer who started her spiritual journey in her late teens.

Over the past six years, she has committed herself wholeheartedly to crafting a life and business that brings her sustained satisfaction.

Passionate about utilizing her knowledge and skills to facilitate profound healing of mind, body, and soul, Pam helps individuals recognize their true selves and embark on transformative journeys.

Drawing from her personal experiences, Pam understands intimately the toll of burnout and anxiety on daily life. She firmly believes that unlocking one's unique energy blueprint is essential for cultivating happiness, fulfillment, and abundance.

Through her expertise in Human Design and the Expansion Principle™, Pam empowers others to nourish themselves from within, facilitating quantum changes that ripple out to positively impact the world.

Under the banner of Mad for Purple, Pam offers unwavering support for individuals seeking healing and self-actualization.

Through personalized mentoring, consulting, and group programs, she leverages the transformative power of Human Design and the Expansion Principle™ healing technology.

By guiding individuals to heal and release conditioning, Pam facilitates a deeper connection to intuitive gifts and innate body wisdom, paving the way for a new paradigm of health and wealth not only for her clients but for their businesses, families, and communities as well.

Past students who have gone through the elements of The Resilient Blueprint:

My own testimonial going through EP:

With the time investment, impact, and deep life transformation,
the total value of this program is well over any dollar I could tag it at.

(if you like numbers though, it'd land around $5,555)

But for the next 8 students only, you're invited to join at

Limited Exclusive Pricing of $2997

Select the plan that works for you:

*NEW*Monthly Payment Plan

  • Complete Curriculum
  • LIVE Trainings
  • Private Group Voxer

One Payment

  • Complete Curriculum
  • LIVE Trainings
  • Private Group Voxer
  • Save $144

VIP Bundle

  • Complete Curriculum
  • LIVE Trainings
  • Private Group Voxer
  • 9 months membership access to The Wellness & Business Collective


Enroll now and get

Limited Exclusive pricing ($2,558 off)!

In 2025, the price of The Advanced Doula Training will be going up to $5555k. Be one of the 8 to lock in at Limited Exclusive pricing.

Hi! I'm Melissa Fernandez.

Mom of three, retired Cirque du Soleil acrobat, human design aficionado, business guide, doula, energy practitioner, and a shameless Dune fanatic.

As a Business Strategist & Guide for ambitious birth workers, I’m here to make building business easy while prioritizing your health as part of the equation.

But it hasn’t always been ease, calm, and successful business life over here.

Becoming a mother unraveled me. I was a high achieving woman who no longer had 'control' of my life once baby arrive.

I returned to work performing 8-10 shows a week as an acrobat, with my infant & toddler, pumping between shows, and was so, so exhausted…

I was also detangling the relationship with my own mother, now that I was a mother. Phew did that bring up the things. IYKYK.

I was doing all the things; reading self-development books/podcasts, talk therapy, exercising, journaling, meditation, body nourishment.

It helped, but I still felt untethered. I still didn't feel I was moving forward.

--> I knew there HAD to be something more.

Enter Expansion Principle Energy.

It truly was the beginning of finally feeling the sensation of "ahhh..I've arrived."

I am home.
I am safe.

I am loved.
I love myself.
I am worthy.

There was finally a sensation of the woundedness being able to MOVE.

It was energy work, specifically with EP, a modality that heals at the seed of our woundings, offering a 'functional medicine' approach to our healing process.

Through thee EP exploration, the door opened to Human Design.

A tool that uncovered my unique energetic blueprint, essentially giving me a permission slip to simply BE ME.

As a 4/6 splenic projector, knowing I was built to rest was a massive weight off my shoulders.

Operating with this new lens opened the opportunities for me to live in further simplicity due to making decisions easier, bounderies being SO MUCH easier to implement, and an 'of course' confidence uplevel.

Not to mention—having this as a parenting tool for my three kids. Knowing their Human Design allows me to further parent them with SPACE to let them be their unique selves.

What a gift to myself and to my family for us to express our unique gifts so fully.

Paired with general Nervous System Regulation skills, these three modalities have massively impacted my entire world.

I am bold, confident, joyful, expressing myself so fully, making more money than I ever have, and doing it from the most regulated, healing space I've ever been in my life.

I'm radically living a new Template from what I experienced growing up as a kid: a divorced family with a dysregulated parent to a highly sensitive kid (me, I was that kid).

To be here, with a transformed life, knowing this could be the reality for mothers, families, doulas, and birthworkers everywhere.....who am I to NOT share the potency of this work?

I'm here for it, being vulnerable, sharing the process, and officially inviting you to join us in this program.

It's truly, truly.....oh so lovely.

With the skills you learn in this training you will:

⚡️️Enhance your client interaction
⚡️️Deepen the support in pregnancy through the 1st years postpartum
⚡️️Increase your rates w/ the additional value you bring in your care
⚡️️Add a new layer and skillset to your doula kit

At the completion of the training, you’ll be certified as an Advanced Pregnancy & Postpartum Practitioner.


  • You're a birth doula looking to add more depth to your current skill set in supporting your clients prenatally.
  • You're a postpartum doula looking for more training/education to support moms prenatally
  • You're a doula looking for a training on the nuanced layers of supporting women in pregnancy/postpartum.
  • You're a birth worker wanting to add a new holistic modality to how you support your clients

This isn't the program for you, if...

You're looking for a standard doula training to become certified as a doula. We will not cover the standard doula role.

You don’t want to experience personal growth within yourself, or you're not willing to invest your time to actively participate in the trainings.

You’re not open to learning advanced, modern tools like Human Design, Energy Work, and Nervous System Regulation.



No. This is step 2, after you take your initial doula training, where we learn the advanced skills.


The only requirement is that you join with an open heart and a big ol' 'YES' to the training content.

And, that you're ready for the next step of skill enhancement.


No. If you've taking your doula training, but haven't certified, you can still join this training!


The integration periods are set times during the summer and winter months to actively implement the materials you'll learn from the training.

We will communicate in our group Voxer chat with questions while also sharing your experiences as you implement the tools with your clients.

The only change is we don't have live calls during integration periods.


You will have access to the private Mighty Networks group for life.

That will be the #1 communication space to continue engaging with me, fellow students, and the materials after the 9 months.

More on this will unfold as we begin the training :)


No. You can be any kind of birth worker or coach who serves the perinatal stage and is ready to use The Resilient Blueprint modalities with your clients.


No. This is not a standard 'how to doula' training. We will be training to become a practitioner & coach for pregnancy & postpartum through the modalities of Human Design, EP Energy Work, and Nervous System Regulation.

This is an advanced level training program.


You will know if it's for you or not. If your mind is stepping in the way, I'm happy to hop on a call and talk, answer questions, and share information.

Please only enroll if you're a "full body yes."


Yes! Absolutely.

The trainings will always be recorded and uploaded immediately into our private group in Mighty Networks. 


You will have access to the training curriculum for life.

Your invitation to join us:

*NEW*Monthly Payment Plan

  • Complete Curriculum
  • LIVE Trainings
  • Private Group Voxer

One Payment

  • Complete Curriculum
  • LIVE Trainings
  • Private Group Voxer
  • Save $76

VIP Bundle

  • Complete Curriculum
  • LIVE Trainings
  • Private Group Voxer
  • 9 months membership access to The Wellness & Business Collective

Come on in, friend. We have 12 students enrolled and space for just 8 more.
Are you one of the 8?